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Children (38)

  • All About Kids
    All About Kids
    1964 8 min
    This vintage short doc from the sixties brings together three quaint vignettes about Canadian childhood. In Quebec Aquarium, school children see marine life at close range, while Children's Play Therapy focuses on the importance of games and handicrafts for young patients recovering at Winnipeg’s Children’s Hospital. Finally, Soccer School takes us to British Columbia, where British coach Trevor Churchill is helping to spark interest in the increasingly popular sport.
  • Affairs of the Art
    Affairs of the Art
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    Joanna Quinn 2021 16 min
    How many obsessions can one family have? In Joanna Quinn and Les Mills’ Affairs of the Art, we reconnect with Beryl, the working-class heroine who not only reveals her own obsession with drawing but exposes the addictions of her eccentric family, which include pickling, screw threads and pet taxidermy.
  • Beauty
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    Christina Willings 2018 23 min
    Beauty explores the lives of five gender-creative kids, each uniquely engaged in shaping their own sense of what it means to be fully human. Whether it’s dealing with bullies, explaining themselves to their parents, or navigating the uncharted waters of relationships, Bex, Lili, Fox, Tru and Milo talk about their experiences and struggle to live in authenticity.
  • Bully Dance
    Bully Dance
    Janet Perlman 2000 10 min
    This short animated film examines the roles of peer pressure, accountability and power struggles in bullying – a pervasive phenomenon.

    When a bully picks on a smaller member of his group, the whole community becomes involved. The bully, they learn, is himself a victim at home.
  • Beyond the Blues: Child and Youth Depression
    Beyond the Blues: Child and Youth Depression
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    Maureen Palmer 2004 56 min
    Statistics reveal that depression in children and youth is on the rise. In fact, it has increased by one-third in the past 30 years. Untreated depression costs a teenager in many ways: lost eductional opportunities, lost social opportunities and lost time.

    Through the personal stories of three young people, this compelling documentary traces the journey of depression, from early signs and symptoms, to assessment, diagnosis and treatment. The documentary also helps shatter some stereotypes.

    This powerful 3-part series on child and youth mental health sheds light on the current situation and offers practical tools to understanding the problems and knowing where to find solutions. Depressed kids don't just have a bad attitude--they have an illness. And the illness is treatable.

    The two other titles in the series are Fighting their Fears: Child and Youth Anxiety and A Map of the Mind Fields: Managing Adolescent Psychosis.
  • Blood and Water
    Blood and Water
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    Rohan Fernando 2007 1 h 17 min
    When the 2004 tsunami hit the coast of Sri Lanka, 65-year-old Anton Ambrose's wife and daughter were killed. "In five minutes," he says, "I lost everything."

    A year later, Anton returns to Sri Lanka. With him is his nephew, award-winning filmmaker Rohan Fernando.

    A Tamil, Anton moved to California in the 1970s and became a very successful gynecologist. His daughter, Orlantha, made the opposite journey, returning to Sri Lanka where she ran a non-profit group that gave underprivileged children free violin lessons. Anton and his wife, Beulah, were visiting her when the tsunami hit.

    Blood and Water is the story of one man's search for meaning in the face of overwhelming loss, but it is also filled with improbable characters, unintentional comedy and situational ironies.

    To honour Orlantha's work, Anton is building a music centre and hosting a fundraising concert. Eccentric characters and oddball events immediately take centre stage. Exiled Iranian country singer Ann Claire is focused on media attention as much as on the concert. Shondale, an energetic African American computer analyst, is so moved by Orlantha's story that she drops everything to become the concert's chief organizer. The concert itself loses money, although - in a final irony - some of the underprivileged children it is designed to serve come from among the richest families in the country.

    Meanwhile, Anton tours his old neighbourhood, spends time with his daughter's closest friends and seeks out advice from the archbishop of Sri Lanka. ("That's life!" the archbishop says, when Anton describes his loss.)

    All this against the backdrop of Sri Lanka - a country coming apart as the decades-old civil war between Tamil Tigers and the government heats up.

    Ultimately, Blood and Water is a film about the coming to terms with loss. As Anton Ambrose seeks meaning in tragedy, he must re-evaluate all he has taken for granted. In so doing, he comes to understand his daughter better than he ever did when she was alive.
  • Child, Part 5: 4 Years - 6 Years
    Child, Part 5: 4 Years - 6 Years
    Robert Humble 1978 27 min
    By the age of four the child is curious about the world around him. To find out, he is asking thousands of questions. He is also learning not to be afraid. This film shows children in learning situations: on a nature hike; handling animals and other creatures; dealing with their peers. One particularly interesting example is that of Ingrid and Helen, twins who look alike but act differently.
  • Child, Part 2: Jamie, Ethan and Keir: 2-14 Months
    Child, Part 2: Jamie, Ethan and Keir: 2-14 Months
    Robert Humble 1973 28 min
    The world at toddler's eye level. For months a baby lies in his crib looking at all those things just beyond his reach. Then he learns to move about, to crawl, to stand--and suddenly all those things are his to touch, to taste. This film observes a baby's natural curiosity, his way of 'getting into things' as part of the experience of learning and adapting. Differences in behaviour of the three babies are noted.
  • Child, Part 3: Debbie and Robert: 12-24 Months
    Child, Part 3: Debbie and Robert: 12-24 Months
    Robert Humble 1974 28 min
    Trial and error and challenge, and the beginnings of communication. Robert is a little older than Debbie; both are of the same family. Both like to experiment, to copy and explore, but sometimes their aims run counter to one another. Their behaviour in this film is typical of the second year of life and illustrates the process of learning that goes on through every waking hour, and the kind of guidance a parent can give.
  • Changes
    Moira Simpson 1989 18 min
    This film explores the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty. Imaginative, animated sequences illustrate the amazing physical changes the body undergoes. Myths are dispelled and youngsters are encouraged to feel pride in themselves and their emerging sexuality.
  • Christopher Changes His Name
    Christopher Changes His Name
    Cilia Sawadogo 2000 6 min
    This animated short for children tells the story of Christopher, a little boy who didn't want to be called Christopher anymore. Such a common name! When Aunty Gail from Trinidad tells him a story about a Tiger, Christopher changes his name to Tiger. But then he finds a better name. When he has trouble cashing a birthday cheque, he realizes maybe he should stick with his original name... or maybe not?

    Part of the Talespinners collection, which uses vibrant animation to bring popular children’s stories from a wide range of cultural communities to the screen.
  • Child, Part 4: Kathy and Ian: Three-Year-Olds
    Child, Part 4: Kathy and Ian: Three-Year-Olds
    Robert Humble 1977 28 min
    By the age of three children become aware of themselves as unique. This happens through their continuing interaction with parents, siblings and friends. This film explores these relationships and the resulting development within the child.
  • Door to Door
    Door to Door
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    Zabelle Côté 1992 4 min
    An animated film for five-to eight-year-olds that presents the familiar situation of big kids bullying little ones in the schoolyard. This time, however, the little kids refuse to accept it and their constructive efforts in their own defence prove that might does not necessarily mean right. Film without words.
  • Especially You
    Especially You
    Moira Simpson 1989 16 min
    The last film in the series focuses on the skills pre-adolescents will need to cope with peer pressure. Animated sequences reflecting universal peer-pressure situations, and live-action role-playing sequences, help children gain skill in decision-making. When the action is stopped in the middle of a scene, the children are challenged to come up with their own solutions to the problem.
  • The Frustrating Fours and the Fascinating Fives
    The Frustrating Fours and the Fascinating Fives
    Judith Crawley 1953 21 min
    A study of the behaviour of four-and-five-year-old children at home and at nursery school. At four the vacillation between infantile helplessness and vigorous self-assertion is seen, and at five the development of independence and the beginning of cooperation. Parents observe that, unpredictable as their behaviour may be, it's fun to help in the development of the fours and fives.
  • Fighting Their Fears: Child and Youth Anxiety
    Fighting Their Fears: Child and Youth Anxiety
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    Melanie Wood 2004 56 min
    Anxiety motivates us to get things done, but for some people, anxiety is not a driver. For many children, anxiety disrupts everyday life, interfering with their ability to make friends or go to school.

    Through interviews with experts and three young people, this compelling documentary outlines the causes, symptoms and treatments for anxiety disorders and emphasizes the importance of early identification and intervention. In all of these stories there is hope.

    This powerful 3-part series on child and youth mental health sheds light on the current situation and offers practical tools to understanding the problems and finding solutions. It captures real family stories, spotlighting the challenges and breakthroughs.

    The two other titles in the series are Beyond the Blues: Child and Youth Depression and A Map of the Mind Fields: Managing Adolescent Psychosis.
  • From Sociable Six to Noisy Nine
    From Sociable Six to Noisy Nine
    Judith Crawley 1954 21 min
    The film looks into the meaning of various forms of conduct in children from six to nine years and suggests ways in which parents may guide them through a challenging, often trying phase of development. In a family with three children we observe how the parents cope with often baffling situations.
  • From Naughty to Nice
    From Naughty to Nice
    Judd Palmer 2014 25 min
    This short film, featuring the work of the internationally-renowned Old Trout Puppet Workshop, is a playful cautionary tale about the consequences of selfishness and greed. The film’s greedy boy-king, Santa Claus, has everything he could ever want, including a castle brimming with toys, but the path of the greedy has only one end: to wind up alone, without a single friend. Santa only wants more and more—until he discovers the gift of giving.
  • From Ten to Twelve
    From Ten to Twelve
    Edmund Reid 1956 25 min
    Quite far removed from infancy, yet not across the threshold of adolescence, children of ten to twelve present an absorbing study of adults-in-the-making. We watch the children of one family in various situations in the home, at school and in group play, and find that much of their conflicting behaviour is actually a normal part of the growing-up process.
  • Good Things Can Still Happen
    Good Things Can Still Happen
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    Liz Scully 1992 21 min
    Good Things Can Still Happen is about feelings that may be experienced by a sexually abused child after disclosure. The main characters in the film are two children, Lucy and Kirby, who are friends. Lucy discloses to Kirby that she has been sexually abused, and the action develops from there, with a narrative voice commenting on the situation from time to time.
  • He Acts His Age
    He Acts His Age
    Judith Crawley 1949 14 min
    How a child's emotional development normally keeps pace with his physical growth; the behaviour he exhibits at certain ages. This introductory film ten from one to fifteen years of age and shows the characteristics of each group.
  • Into Light
    Into Light
    Sheona McDonald 2021 19 min
    When a child reveals who they truly are on the inside, how does a parent set aside their own expectations to help them become their most authentic self? Sheona McDonald’s documentary captures a season of change as a mother and child navigate the complexities of gender identity together.
  • Just a Little Love Song
    Just a Little Love Song
    Viviane Elnécavé 1974 10 min
    This particular love song is an ironic, oftentimes caustic, commentary on the terror and pain of love, from a child's desperate attempts at closeness with his parents to an adult's relationship with a cruel and isolating world. Animated boldly with a paint brush and black ink, the action, like a continual dance, throbs to the rhythms of a five-string banjo. Shapes change, are metamorphosed, in an emotional roller-coaster trip through the subconscious.
  • Ludovic - Magic in the Air
    Ludovic - Magic in the Air
    Co Hoedeman 2002 12 min
    It's autumn in all its glory and Ludovic is playing in the park. A bigger teddy bear knocks him down, and the little cub is rescued by a little girl teddy bear. Her kind gesture teaches Ludovic that the magic of friendship can help him face the fiercest bully.
  • Ludovic - The Snow Gift
    Ludovic - The Snow Gift
    Co Hoedeman 1998 14 min
    In this animated short, Ludovic the bear learns the meaning of friendship while evoking our memories of cherished childhood toys. Often left out of the winter fun because his parents deem him too young, Ludovic finally finds a playmate when a giant snowstorm strands a doll on his front lawn. He spends all his time with his new doll, which miraculously comes to life and provides him with the companionship he’d been longing for.
  • Ludovic - Visiting Grandpa
    Ludovic - Visiting Grandpa
    Co Hoedeman 2001 11 min
    It's summer and Ludovic is invited to his grandfather's farm. The little teddy bear finds Grandpa very saddened by the death of Grandma, and Ludovic is fascinated by a room filled with mementos. Grandma's portrait comes to life, and Ludovic is able to kiss and hug her. This poignant tale evokes the closeness and understanding between a grandfather and his little grandson who gradually learn to accept the death of a loved one.
  • Making Every Moment Count
    Making Every Moment Count
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    Leora Kuttner 2003 38 min
    Dr Leora Kuttner, an award-winning filmmaker and an international expert in pediatric pain management, brings us this groundbreaking and comprehensive look at the emerging field of pediatric palliative care.

    At the film's heart are five remarkable young people who speak with profound clarity and wisdom about being alive and their approach to death. Layering their stories with interviews, the film is a unique portrait of how families and professionals can come together during a highly emotional time to share in decision making, address fears of death and provide hope.

    Dr Kuttner's films have been recognized by the Association for the Care of Children's Health, the Health Sciences Communications Association, and the National Council on Family Relations.
  • Meneath: The Hidden Island of Ethics
    Meneath: The Hidden Island of Ethics
    Terril Calder 2021 19 min
    This film discusses topics of trauma and abuse. Viewer discretion is advised.

    Meneath: The Hidden Island of Ethics dives deeply into the innate contrast between the Seven Deadly Sins (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Pride and Envy) and the Seven Sacred Teachings (Love, Respect, Wisdom, Courage, Truth, Honesty and Humility), as embodied in the life of a precocious Métis baby. Brought to life by Terril Calder’s darkly beautiful stop-motion animation, her inner turmoil of abuse is laid bare with unflinching honesty. Convinced she’s soiled and destined for Hell, Baby Girl receives teachings that fill her with strength and pride, and affirm a path towards healing. Calder’s tour-de-force unearths a hauntingly familiar yet hopeful world that illuminates the bias of colonial systems.
  • Origins of Human Aggression: The Other Story
    Origins of Human Aggression: The Other Story
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    Jean-Pierre Maher 2005 50 min
    Is human aggression a result of nature or nurture? Interviews with researchers from various fields--including a Nobel prize winner--shed light on the question.

    Startling footage of children acting out their aggressive impulses adds to this compelling documentary that examines the complex factors that affect the socialization of aggressive behaviour among humans.

    Biological, environmental and psychological components are addressed, and guidelines for the prevention of human violence are also provided.
  • Racing Thoughts
    Racing Thoughts
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    Louiselle Noël 2010 1 h 12 min
    This is a film about children who thought they were “crazy.” Who wanted to die. Who felt fear, anger and hopelessness. Four young people living with mental illness and their loved ones make the courageous decision to open up about their stories. Their voices are complemented by that of the director, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder as an adult but whose initial symptoms emerged in childhood. This film skirts the specialists’ debates in favour of a more personal tone, moving away from the alarming vocabulary of diagnoses and allowing viewers to discover the children affected.
  • A Sense of Touch
    A Sense of Touch
    Don White 1983 6 min
    The evocative images in this film stimulate associations between visual and tactile information. Vivid close-ups of sensuous activities such as licking a popsicle, stroking a beard and walking barefoot in the grass encourage the viewer to explore the tactile properties of objects using different parts of the body. The sound track consists of music without words, which provides pacing and highlights the nature of different sensory experiences.
  • This Is Me
    This Is Me
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    Ron Tunis 1979 27 min
    Some of life's most profound questions are tackled by ten children ranging in age from six to eleven. They give their spontaneous views on God, the beginning of life, what happens to the spirit when one dies, where one's soul goes at night, and numerous other questions about life. The magic of animation and modern camera techniques illustrate the children's imaginative ruminations and conclusions. This is a delightful film for children and adults.
  • Toys
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    Grant Munro 1966 7 min
    This stop-motion animation takes a dark look into the war toys often given to children at Christmas time. Starting off as harmless objects, the toys quickly take on the gestures of real soldiers, mimicking the actions and penalties of a real war. This critical commentary on war and glamorized violence creates a real and frightening battle.
  • To a Safer Place
    To a Safer Place
    Beverly Shaffer 1987 58 min
    This inspiring film is the story of how one woman has come to terms with her life as a survivor of incest. Sexually abused by her father from infancy to early adolescence, Shirley Turcotte is now in her thirties and has succeeded in building a rich and full life. In To a Safer Place, Shirley takes a further step to reconcile her past and present. The film accompanies her as she returns to the people and places of her childhood. Her mother, brothers and sister, all of whom were also caught up in the cycle of family violence, openly share their thoughts. Their frank disclosures will encourage survivors of incest to break through the silence and betrayal to recover and develop a sense of self-worth and dignity.
  • The Terrible Twos and the Trusting Threes
    The Terrible Twos and the Trusting Threes
    Judith Crawley 1951 21 min
    A study of child behaviour at two and three years, showing what to expect and how parents can deal constructively with the problems they present. The film shows a group of active children in playground, nursery school and home, first at age two, and then at three. Destructiveness, tantrums, rivalry with younger children, and unreasonable fears are discussed.
  • Unspoken Tears (Trauma Through Words)
    Unspoken Tears (Trauma Through Words)
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    Hélène Magny 2022 1 h 15 min
    How can refugee children integrate into Quebec’s school system, given the unspeakable violence they’ve experienced? Following a psychologist specializing in conflict-related trauma, Unspoken Tears pays tribute to the admirable resilience and survival strategies of these “small adults,” whose spirit the bombs and camps have not completely crushed, at a time when it is vital to raise awareness in Western societies of migration-related issues and children’s rights.
  • WaaPaKe (Tomorrow)
    WaaPaKe (Tomorrow)
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    Jules Arita Koostachin 2023 1 h 20 min
    For generations, the suffering of residential school Survivors has radiated outward, impacting Indigenous families and communities. Dr. Jules Arita Koostachin’s deeply personal documentary WaaPaKe (Tomorrow) moves beyond intergenerational trauma, with an invitation to unravel the tangled threads of silence and unite in collective freedom and power.
  • What Is... a Door?
    What Is... a Door?
    Don White 1999 4 min
    What is... a Door? is an eye-opening visual journey through the hidden secrets and familiar sights and sounds of doors. Film without words.