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  • Sing a Little
    Sing a Little
    1951 9 min
    Puppet animation illustrates three songs sung by Alan Mills in his CBC studio: The Farmer's Cursed Wife, Barbara Allen, and Jack the Sailor.
  • Dans la vie...
    Dans la vie...
    Pierre Veilleux 1972 5 min
    Here the film animator gives vivid expression to his own memories of a child's first encounter with elementary school--at that tender age when grown-ups seem ten feet tall, a monster lurks in every corridor, and the very walls have eyes. Feeling, but not understanding, the regimentation imposed on him, the child seeks, in spite of it all, to be himself. A film without words; titles in French.
  • Happiness Is
    Happiness Is
    Clorinda Warny 1972 7 min
    For a young mother happiness can be an hour's stroll in the park with her sleeping infant--but happiness is short-lived when the baby begins to cry and the passers-by pause with freely proffered advice. Made of animated paper cut-outs, this film without words is a spoof about the self-styled child experts who are so caught up with their own views of what's best for a child that they fail to see the infant's real problem.
  • Mirage
    Rick Raxlen 1972 5 min
    An intriguing inside-out view of moving figures and images, made by using a colour negative print, but with more vivid colours and with accompanying sound effects that suggest the same kind of inversion of the sound track. Figures and faces appear in a shimmering haze; the one most frequently seen is a figure skater flashing, pirouetting, fading. These are shades of people and of movements, appearing, retreating, as in a mirage.
  • Rosa Rosa
    Rosa Rosa
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    Félix Dufour-Laperrière 2008 8 min
    While war is thundering at the gates of the city, Rosa and her lover live serenely together, trying to preserve a fragile normality. Rosa Rosa is the interweaving of individual and collective fates via a love story simply told by the couple themselves. In this animation using reworked photos, Félix Dufour-Laperrière offers an unusual graphic world where public and private spaces overlap.
  • Tic Tac
    Tic Tac
    Marc Daigle 2008 9 min
    Marc Daigle is a graduate in animation and graphic technologies from the Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick in Miramichi. He works as a graphic artist, illustrator, Web designer and animator. In 2005 he co-directed the animation Pimp ma botte, a hilarious parody of the TV program Pimp my Ride.
  • A Matter of Form
    A Matter of Form
    René Jodoin 1984 3 min
    Set to the rousing notes of Schubert's Military March, this animation film is an ingenious example of how a single point can be the building-block for a multiplicity of shapes and configurations. Lines and forms grow out of the point, eventually covering the entire screen in splashes of colour. This is geometric wizardry at its colourful best. A film without words.
  • Le Bleu perdu
    Le Bleu perdu
    Paul Driessen 1972 7 min
    An animated cartoon envisaging the kind of world that children of the future may well inherit when the last vestige of blue is blotted from the sky by the spreading mantle of smog. In this story a little boy sets out, equipped with celestial wings, to discover whether what an old man has told him is actually true, that there is blue above the grey. When he finds it he concludes that blue is where paradise is; the grimy earth is the netherworld. A film without words; titles in French.
  • In a Box
    In a Box
    Eliot Noyes, Jr 1968 4 min
    A short animated film of line drawings suggesting the predicament of people who find themselves boxed in by life. It takes only a few deft strokes of the animator's pen to show how people's lives are limited by their own view of things. The box they are in may not fit; it may be uncomfortable in many ways, but they rush back to its familiarity, if not security, even though brief sorties outside may show them a bigger world.
  • Circuit marine
    Circuit marine
    Isabelle Favez 2003 7 min
    "All you need is food," the Beatles could have sung if they had been inspired by Circuit marine, a whimsical fantasy about our cruel, carnivorous world. To be eaten or not to be eaten: that is the question for a ginger cat, a goldfish and a colourful parrot which a tender-hearted pirate tries to get to live happily together along with his hungry crew. We can only wonder who will be the next meal on this ship of food. As the ship pitches and rolls to a sprightly gypsy tune, the cat relentlessly pursues the goldfish, and even the parrot gets into the act. But who is predator and who is prey? Everyone ends up down someone's gullet. Isabelle Favez's colourful and humorous film is a tasteful reminder that we're all links in the food chain.
  • Air!
    Paul Driessen 1972 2 min
    Although only 2 minutes long, this animated short makes the point that oxygen is the stuff of life whether on land, in the air or water, but that it is becoming scarcer as man-made pollutants crowd it out. This is a film without words in which plants, birds, fish and, finally, humans come to the same "breathless" end.
  • Beginnings
    Clorinda Warny Suzanne Gervais , … 1980 8 min
    Film d'animation créé de dessins pastels, Premiers Jours nous trace le cycle complet de la vie, de la naissance à l'âge adulte, en quatre saisons, et à travers l'évolution de paysages terrestres devenus corps humains.
  • Dance Squared
    Dance Squared
    René Jodoin 1961 3 min
    This film is an encounter with geometrical shapes, which children can readily understand and enjoy. As the title suggests, Dance Squared employs movement, colour and music to explore the symmetries of the square. Every movement of the square and its components presents an opportunity to observe its geometrical properties in a way that is intriguing to young minds.
  • Soif
    Michèle Cournoyer 2014 8 min
    A woman plays out her existence on the screen of her life. Alcohol is the essence of her being. She imbibes her youth and becomes completely absorbed by the desire to satisfy her thirst. Moving from parties to binge drinking, pleasure to distress, joy to delirium, she lets herself be lulled by the undulating waves of bottles. She floats in the intoxicating liquid, sees her childhood re-emerge, and feels as if she is a tiny fish lost in an ocean of madness. Her craving for alcohol engenders a burning passion. Drinking becomes a fatal embrace... On the verge of drowning in the torrent of this insane obsession, will she find the strength to rise to the surface?

    Soif is a tragedy in five acts centered on a woman who must confront the fate of her existence. Michèle Cournoyer (The Hat) has created another hard-hitting film. She broaches a sensitive topic in her inimitable style, using black ink on paper to render dazzling metamorphoses.
  • Vertical
    Theodore Ushev 2003 4 min
    To the sound of a ramshackle brass band, a world slides towards ruin, carrying with it houses, birds, idols, balloons and whatever is left of reason. Theodore Ushev's Vertical combines expressionistic graphics with a scathing black humour and sense of the absurd.
  • Super Bus
    Super Bus
    1969 6 min
    A Canadian animated film made specifically for viewing at Osaka 70.
  • About Conception and Contraception
    About Conception and Contraception
    Ishu Patel 1972 11 min
    Animated drawings illustrate how conception occurs and the way that various birth control devices, surgical methods, and the pill function in effecting contraception. The film is without spoken commentary and is designed to be used by professional personnel. Film without words.
  • The Hottest Show on Earth
    The Hottest Show on Earth
    Terence Macartney-Filgate Derek Lamb , … 1977 27 min
    A side-splitting combo of animation and live action that catapults the potentially mundane subject of home insulation to heights of hilarity. Even the host, Dr. David Suzuki, gets into the improbable act. He proves that "The Energy Crisis" is not a rock group, and that there are simple ways to stay warm in winter and save fuel dollars. Topics include: the origins of fossil fuels, how to optimize furnace efficiency, common areas of home heat loss, weather-stripping and insulation. A film to keep you warm and laughing.
  • Holidays
    Blake James 1978 1 min
    This very short film from the Canada Vignettes series presents a montage of watercolor images depicting the work and occasional play of a farm family.
  • Fringe Benefits
    Fringe Benefits
    Kaj Pindal 1967 20 s
    A clip to discourage smoking.
  • Volcano
    Kaj Pindal 1967 20 s
    A clip to discourage smoking.
  • Dynamite
    Kaj Pindal 1967 1 min
    A clip to discourage smoking.
  • The Little Prince
    The Little Prince
    Vince Papatie 2007 6 min

    Separated from his Kitcisakik community, a little Algonquin prince discovers the good and the bad in the White people's world, until one day his own child brings him back down to earth.

    Since 2004, Wapikoni Mobile has been giving Indigenous youth the opportunity to speak out using video and music. This short animation film was made with the guidance of these travelling studios and is part of the 2007 Selection - Wapikoni Mobile DVD.

  • Funeral
    Kaj Pindal 1966 20 s
    A clip to discourage smoking.
  • Future Block
    Future Block
    Kevin McCracken 1987 10 min
    An animated film about the appropriateness of new technology and its effects on people. The case in point revolves around a bank whose human tellers find themselves unemployed when they are replaced by electronic tellers. A mild-mannered client of the bank is overwhelmed and humiliated by his first encounter with the dispassionate computer. Conventional cel animation is contrasted with computer-generated images to heighten the satire in this look at the problems that can arise when technology ignores human needs.
  • DNA
    Bané Jovanovic 1969 10 min
    The likeness of an offspring to its parents, whatever the species, has been traced to a unique molecule that controls the production of proteins and transmits characteristics. This genetic material, dioxyribonucleic acid, or DNA--the hereditary material of life--is described and illustrated in this film by colour animation. Mutations are also discussed. A film for science students.
  • Has Anybody Seen My Umbrella?
    Has Anybody Seen My Umbrella?
    Eva Szasz 1990 10 min
    The story of a prince who leaves school after his grade one graduation thinking he knows all there is to be happy. When he has grown up he meets Cinderella at his birthday party ball, but when she loses her glass slipper he cannot read her name on it. Thinking her name is "Umbrella" he searches far and wide shouting "Has anybody seen my Umbrella". After timely intervention of the prince's fairy godmother they are united. They get married and spend their honeymoon in grade two. Based on the popular children's book Has Anybody Seen My Umbrella by Max Ferguson.
  • The Specialist
    The Specialist
    Don Arioli  &  Boris Kolar 1971 9 min
    An amusingly drawn cartoon about a highly proficient lady bricklayer, graduate of Specialists' School, whose work takes her high up in the world, and her erstwhile friend, whose equally dedicated professionalism brings him lower. She builds towers of bricks while he tunnels down below ground. What develops in the story involves other unlikely characters, plausible enough in this cartoon context.
    Don Arioli Hugh Foulds , … 1972 52 min
    A film that enlarges on humanity’s capacity to foul its own nest, and to ignore it. Made by a joint team of Canadian and Croatian animation artists, the film transmits its warning with unflagging humour, imagination, movement and design. It consists of 14 shorts, as well as comical segments—played by actors—that introduce and serve as transitions between the animated pieces. The film comments on our responsibility, on a global scale, to conserve what is left of our vital resources and usable environment.
  • Bill Miner
    Bill Miner
    1978 1 min
    Bill Miner was a train robber in British Columbia at the turn of the century. This animated film depicts a disastrous episode in his career.