This short documentary takes a poignant look at cultural misunderstanding and its toll on a family's grief. When filmmaker Gerald Auger lost his father, the local Anglican priest refused to allow the family to bury their father in the traditional Cree way - with the drum and the smudge - because he was buried on Anglican church property. Gerald sets out to resolve his hurt and anger and his path leads him to some unexpected places. Second Stories follows on the heels of the enormously successful First Stories project, which produced 3 separate collections of short films from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, …
This documentary can inspire research, discussion, projects and entry points for developing foundational knowledge in relation to First Nations spirituality and the history of spiritual desecration. Explain the difference and similarities between religion and spirituality. What are the roots of fear and misunderstanding of First Nations ceremonial ways? Research the diverse methods of grieving and honouring the dead within various First Nations contexts across what is now Canada. Research why some promoted the idea that the drum is evil and what sort of thinking or ethics motivates these types of fears and misunderstandings. What actions towards atonement and reconciliation have the Anglican Church and other religious organizations taken since the official Residential School Apology?