This feature-length documentary chronicles the Sundance ceremony brought to Eastern Canada by William Nevin of the Elsipogtog First Nation of the Mi'kmaq. Nevin learned from Elder Keith Chiefmoon of the Blackfoot Confederacy in Alberta. Under the July sky, participants in the Sundance ceremony go four days without food or water. Then they will pierce the flesh of their chests in an offering to the Creator. This event marks a transmission of culture and a link to the warrior traditions of the past.
Rituals and rites of passage are common through all cultures. For Indigenous peoples they are especially important, given the near eradication of their people and culture in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Have students discuss rituals in their family, culture or society that help them grow or belong. How might this be particularly important for young men? How do these rituals help instill a sense of belonging?