This short documentary journeys into the spiritual world of traditional Indigenous medicine, a world inhabited by Dr. Mary Louie (a spiritual leader of the Syilx or Okanagan Nation), and her husband Ed Louie. With a lifetime of experience in the ways of spirituality, they are committed to practices that keep them accountable to the spirit world, their people, and Mother Earth. When one of the crew members get sick while shooting, his subsequent care is recorded for the purposes of this film.
This documentary can inspire research, discussion, projects and entry points for developing foundational knowledge in relation to holistic healing. What is holistic healing from a First Nations perspective and how can it function alongside present-day medicine? Consider how people as well as the land may need healing. What is reciprocity in terms of First Nations worldview and Protocols? Why is it important to learn the Protocols of an Elder in order to establish and maintain relationships? What were the underlying intentions of making it illegal for “Indians” to practise their traditional medical harvesting and ceremonies for healing? What does it mean to make an offering and how does this reflect worldview? What is the significance of oral culture in contrast to a culture bound by written words? What does it mean to be in balance with nature? What is the relationship between medicine, people and the land? How can traditional methods of healing be passed down to future generations? What is experiential learning and how can it fit into today’s educational pedagogies?