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  • N-Zone
    Arthur Lipsett 1970 45 min
    In this experimental film, Arthur Lipsett pieces together his vision of this fragmented world using odds and ends from other people’s image and sound recordings. By juxtaposing these snippets of found film with snatches of comment or dialogue echoing the banality of human communication, Lipsett shows the emptiness of much of what we say or do. N-Zone is one man's surrealist sampler of the human condition.
  • Nadine
    Patrick Péris 2017 4 min
    From out of nowhere, the most beautiful girl in the world sits at the table across from me at the library. Is this a stroke of good luck or bad? Her smile paralyzes me…

    How will Sam win Nadine’s heart? Must he seek out his inner samurai to fight the monster of his anxiety? Real courage is conquering your fear.
  • Nahanni
    Donald Wilder 1962 18 min
    This short film focuses on the legend of a lost gold mine and a river in the Northwest Territories that lured men to their doom. Albert Faille, an aging prospector, set out time and again to find hidden gold. His route took him through the wild and awesome land particularly suited to the mood of this Canadian odyssey.
  • Nails
    Phillip Borsos 1979 13 min
    This documentary short tracks the shift in the relationship of an individual to his work between the 19th century and today. Focusing on how nails are made, we first see a blacksmith laboring at his forge, shaping nails from single strands of steel rods. The scene then shifts from this peaceful setting to the roar of a 20th century nail mill, where banks of machines draw, cut, and pound the steel rods faster than the eye can follow.
  • Clous
    Phillip Borsos 1979 13 min
    Documentaire plus vrai que nature sur la fabrication des clous. Les bruits naturels rendent saisissantes ces images vivantes de feu et d'eau. Forgé sur l'enclume, coupé mécaniquement ou produit de façon industrielle, on découvrira ce petit objet, universellement utile, à travers les étapes de sa fabrication.
  • Albertosaurus
    Munro Ferguson 2017 36 s
    DARE TO PANIC. A poke at climate-change deniers.
  • All We Need Is War
    All We Need Is War
    Luka Sanader 2017 40 s
    ALL MEN ARE CREMATED EQUAL. An ode to what can happen when Man plays God.
  • Be Cool
    Be Cool
    Chris Landreth 2017 41 s
    2/3 OF US DON’T KNOW WE’RE ASSHOLES. An unapologetic poke at the self-consumed selfie culture.
  • Blood
    Theodore Ushev 2017 38 s
    WE BLEED FOR WHAT? Made with the filmmaker’s blood, a testament to the ideals that we fight and die for.
  • Detention
    Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers  &  David Seitz 2017 37 s
    This ultra-short film proves that walls are real and borders are imaginary with an animated critique of long-term detention for minors in immigration centres.

  • Hipster Headdress
    Hipster Headdress
    Amanda Strong 2017 40 s
    This ultra-short film is an unapologetic confrontation of cultural appropriation and everything that's wrong with hipsters in headdresses. The takeaway? Just don't do it.

  • The Law of Expansion
    The Law of Expansion
    Malcolm Sutherland 2017 20 s
    THEY FIGHT YOU AND THEN YOU WIN. THEY FIGHT YOU AND THEN YOU WIN. An anti-violence statement in reaction to the police brutality that fuelled Quebec’s Red Square student movement.
  • Protest
    The Sanchez Brothers 2017 42 s
    MOST OF US DON’T BELIEVE IN ANYTHING THIS MUCH. POV into an ultimate act of protest: self-immolation. What compels someone to go this far?
  • Sext Apes
    Sext Apes
    Laurence Vallières 2017 36 s
    YOUR PHONE IS HAVING MORE SEX THAN YOU. A bleak picture of sex in the digital age.
  • Simulated Life
    Simulated Life
    Malcolm Sutherland 2017 37 s
    REALITY IS A CHOICE. An unapologetic poke at the burgeoning age of virtual reality.
  • Sober
    Élise Simard 2017 33 s
    SOBER IS HARDCORE. A rejection of romanticizing alcohol.
  • Survival of the Fittest
    Survival of the Fittest
    Eva Cvijanovic 2017 39 s
    FEELS GOOD TO BE KIND. A reminder that there is power in small acts of kindness.
  • We Drink Too Much
    We Drink Too Much
    Chris Lavis  &  Maciek Szczerbowski 2016 47 s
    WE DRINK TOO MUCH. An unapologetic take on the vicious cycle of earning too little and consuming too much.
  • We Eat Shit
    We Eat Shit
    Chris Lavis  &  Maciek Szczerbowski 2017 43 s
    WE EAT SHIT. An unapologetic warning about how complacent we can be.
  • Nalujuk Night
    Nalujuk Night
    Jennie Williams 2021 13 min
    Nalujuk Night is an up close look at an exhilarating, and sometimes terrifying, Labrador Inuit tradition. Every January 6th from the dark of the Nunatsiavut night, the Nalujuit appear on the sea ice. They walk on two legs, yet their faces are animalistic, skeletal, and otherworldly. Snow crunches underfoot as they approach their destination: the Inuit community of Nain.

    Despite the frights, Nalujuk Night is a beloved annual event, showing that sometimes it can be fun to be scared. Rarely witnessed outside of Nunatsiavut, this annual event is an exciting chance for Inuit, young and old, to prove their courage and come together as a community to celebrate culture and tradition.

    Inuk filmmaker Jennie Williams brings audiences directly into the action in this bone-chilling black and white short documentary about a winter night like no other.
  • Nalujuk Unnunga (Inuktitut Version)
    Nalujuk Unnunga (Inuktitut Version)
    Jennie Williams 2021 13 min
    Nalujuk Unnunga takunnâvuk Kanittumik Kittainganattumik, ammalu ilangani itsinattotluni, Labrador Inuit piusituKagijanga. Januar 6-imi tamât pisimatlutik tâttumit Nunatsiavut unnungani, taikkua Nalujuit AlakkaKattavut sikummit. PisuKattajut maggonik niunnik atutlutik, kenangit sollu omajut, saunituinnait, ammalu sollu asianit silatsuamit pisimajut. Aputik tusattausok siKullujuk tutittaugami itigakkut tikivallialimmata: Inuit nunalimmit Nainimi.

    KuatsâKattagaluappata, Nalujuk Unnunga piutsagijauvuk jâri tamât piniannigijauKattatluni, takutitsijuk ilangani KuvianattoKattavuk itsigiamut. TakutsausiaKattalungituk silatâni Nunatsiavummit, tamanna jâri tamât piniannik Kittainganattuk pivitsaKattisiKattajuk Inunnik, inosuttunik ammalu jârikKutujojunut, takutitsigiamut itsiKattangitonninginnik ammalu katiutigiamut nunalimmiungutlutik ullusiugiamut ilukkusigijaujumik ammalu piusituKagijaujumik.

    Inuk taggajâliuttik Jennie Williams takutitsivuk piniannigijauKattajumik iluani tapvani kakillânattumik Kinnitautluni KaKuttautlunillu naittumik sanajausimajumut pitjutiKajumut ukiumi unnusautillugu asiKalugani.

  • Namrata
    Shazia Javed 2009 9 min
    This short documentary tells the intensely personal story of Namrata Gill – one of the many real-life inspirations for Deepa Mehta’s Heaven on Earth – in her own words. After six years, Gill courageously leaves an abusive relationship and launches a surprising new career.
  • Nana McLean
    Nana McLean
    Graeme Mathieson  &  Chris Flanagan 2024 15 min
    Against the changing face of Toronto’s Little Jamaica, where she established some of the city’s landmark reggae record stores, singer Nana McLean challenges outdated stereotypes and establishes her reputation as the queen of Reggae in Canada.
  • Narcissus
    Norman McLaren 1983 21 min
    In this short film by Norman McLaren, dancers enact the Greek tragedy of Narcissus, the beautiful youth whose excessive self-love condemned him to a trapped existence. Skillfully merging film, dance and music, the film is a compendium of the techniques McLaren acquired over a lifetime of experimentation.
  • Narkoblues
    Bretislav Pojar  &  Ivan Vit 1997 8 min
    On summer vacation a young teenager finds himself hanging out alone on the streets of his neighbourhood, all his friends having gone to the country with their parents. Near his home he meets a disturbing character, a drug pusher looking for clients, who introduces him to an artificial paradise. The teenager discovers a seductive and terrifying world that frequently draws him back to his neighbour.
  • The National Scream
    The National Scream
    Robert Awad  &  David Verrall 1980 27 min
    This lively satire uses animation and a pseudo-documentary style to depict Canada's search for a national identity. The National Scream explains, amongst other elements of Canadiana, how and why the beaver became the country's symbol.
  • The Nativity Cycle
    The Nativity Cycle
    Fergus McDonell 1956 29 min
    The Christmas story, presented in the form of a medieval York mystery, or miracle play, by a cast of junior school children. They follow the text, in verse and prose, used by strolling players five centuries ago when a miracle play meant the portrayal of the mystery of Christ's birth. The story is divided into scenes, with costumes and settings patterned after biblical times. Between acts a children's "angel choir" sings familiar Christmas carols to introduce each scene.
  • Natsik Hunting
    Natsik Hunting
    Mosha Michael 1975 7 min
    25-year-old Mosha Michael made an assured directorial debut with this seven-minute short, a relaxed narration-free depiction of an Inuk seal hunt. Having participated in a 1974 Super 8 workshop in Frobisher Bay, Michael shot and edited the film himself. His voice can be heard on the appealing guitar-based soundtrack. Released in 1975, Natsik Hunting is believed to be Canada’s first Inuk-directed film.

    Viewer Advisory: This film contains scenes of animal slaughter.
  • NFB Pause | Alanis Obomsawin back on stage
    NFB Pause | Alanis Obomsawin back on stage
    Annie St-Pierre 2018 3 min
    From a forgotten place on an NFB shelf to the Netherlands’ “Le Guess Who?” music festival... Rediscover the album that launched Alanis Obomsawin's musical comeback: "Bush Lady".
  • Nbisiing
    Cole Forrest 2020 4 min
    Afraid he would not see his community again Cole Forrest returns to North Bay from his current residence in Toronto. During his stay he confronts his fears and reconnects with his ancestors. Nbi means water and in the time of this pandemic, it is the lake, medicine, berries, and the land that he looks to for guidance.