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Referendum - Take 2/Prise deux

1996 1 h 16 min
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October, 1995. The most important political event in recent Canadian history, the Quebec vote on sovereignty, is about to unfold. During the tense days leading up to the referendum for independence, 23 filmmakers from the NFB's English and French documentary studios take their cameras into the streets and homes of Quebeckers. Culled from 250 hours of footage, Referendum is an emotional portrait of a profoundly divided society. In a collage of powerful moments, the video recaptures the emotions of that time and measures them against today's political agenda. Implicit is the question: What next?

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Referendum - Take 2/Prise deux


October, 1995. The most important political event in recent Canadian history, the Quebec vote on sovereignty, is about to unfold. During the tense days leading up to the referendum for independence, 23 filmmakers from the NFB's English and French documentary studios take their cameras into the streets and homes of Quebeckers. Culled from 250 hours of footage, Referendum is an emotional portrait of a profoundly divided society. In a collage of powerful moments, the video recaptures the emotions of that time and measures them against today's political agenda. Implicit is the question: What next?
  • director
    Stéphane Drolet
  • producer
    Jacques Vallée
    Adam Symansky
  • cinematography
    François Beauchemin
    Jean-Thomas Bédard
    Dean Brousseau
    Bruce Clayton
    Paul Cowan
    Zoe Dirse
    Wes Doyle
    Stéphane Drolet
    Martin Duckworth
    André-Luc Dupont
    Louis Durocher
    Ivan Gekoff
    Louise Giguère
    Germán Gutiérrez
    René Sioui Labelle
    Martin Leclerc
    Stefan Nitoslawski
    Nigel Markham
    Cheryl Sim
    Susan Trow
    John Walker
    Julie Warren
    Richard Wilmot
  • sound
    André Boisvert
    Hugo Brochu
    Diane Carrière
    Jeff Carter
    Yann Cleary
    Louis Desparois
    André Dussault
    Don Ellis
    Simon Goulet
    François Guérin
    Nick Huard
    Douglas H. Kayes
    Craig Lapp
    Don Paches
    Shawn Reed
    Alex Salter
    Yves St-Jean
    Alain Tremblay
    Michael Zabitsky
    Catherine Van Der Donckt
  • editing
    Babalou Hamelin
  • sound editing
    André Chaput
  • re-recording
    Serge Boivin
    Geoffrey Mitchell
  • music
    Anthony Rozankovic

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Ages 15 to 16
School subjects
This film invites the viewer to define his or her own national identity. It is a worthwhile document for comparing and contrasting the concepts of nationalism, separatism and federalism. Following a screening in class, history students can be assigned a research project on secessionist movements in other Canadian provinces, both pre- and post-Confederation, so as to compare the quests for identity of each of the peoples involved.
Referendum - Take 2/Prise deux
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