A revealing portrait of two young addicts, their life on the street and their despairing parents who find themselves powerless to save their children from the habit that is consuming them. As filmmaker Andrée Cazabon follows Cathy and Laurent for many months, recording their desperate drug-fuelled existence, she remembers her own life on the street. "My parents and I relived that horror," she says of her creative journey. But it was for all parents that she made this film. Cathy's and Laurent's parents live in a permanent state of bewildered anxiety and guilt. How can they avoid being totally destroyed …
Comment on how lifestyle choices create friction between parents and teens. If you could deliver a parenting class on adolescent development, what key points should be included? Review Erik Erikson’s stages of development and comment on Laurent’s or Cathy’s relationship with their respective families. Address how the education system can better support adolescents dealing with addictions, mental health or family stress. Comment on the difference between harm reduction and harm elimination—how do these address teen drug abuse?