Early campaigns to fight poverty and disease and help children grow up healthy led to the introduction of the school nurse, nose blowing drills and lice inspections. From open-air schools to confusing sex education classes, Health was a part of the curriculum throughout the last century. This episode traces the rise of dental care, from early century programs in schools to dentists traveling to remote areas by boat or train. Canadians recall terrifying epidemics and lengthy periods of quarantine. Home remedies were frightening enough to keep children from complaining about being ill. Over the course of the century we see …
Ideal for essays and research projects on health and family. Identify the major risks to childhood health over the past century, and the factors behind those risks. What changes led to reductions of childhood diseases? Interview a family member about health scares during their childhood, what kinds of treatment or home remedies were used, and the prevention they received at school. What foods did they hate when they were kids, and what were the consequences of not eating those foods?