In this short fiction film, Estelle, the scientist in charge of a research project on water, is getting ready for a conference with the help of her "intelligent" satellite Zenon. But a teenage hacker has found an illegal way to consult Zenon's files. Things look very bad when the hacker accidentally infects Zenon with a virulent computer virus.
Dubbed in English (originally in French)
Brief “lesson launcher type” activity or a series of inquiry questions with a bit of context:
A short fictional film about a teenage hacker who manages to access a scientist’s robot satellite while she practises for a presentation about pollution.
This film was released in 1991. How have our ideas about robots evolved since then? How about the idea of “hacking” and viruses?
There have been many debates around whether robots can ever express independent thought. Does this film show any insight into this discussion?
Some of the scientist’s ideas around water pollution are still repeated to this day. Have we made any developments towards equal access to clean water for all in the time since this film was released?