In this short fiction film, the observation satellite Zenon has, on its own, left its assigned orbit and is refusing to send back vital data concerning the Earth's water reserves. Those in charge of the Research Center that sent the satellite up are threatening to destroy this free and intelligent "spirit" if Estelle, the scientist controlling it, cannot make her "friend" see reason.
A short science fiction film useful for introducing students to topics related to climate change, sustainability, and ecology. Why is Zenon considered a “deserter” and what does that mean? Who else in the film could be considered a “deserter”? In what way is Zenon a metaphor for the Earth? Research desertification; what are some contemporary solutions that have been proposed? How do those solutions compare to ideas explored in the film? Pretend you are Zenon and write a report on a local issue related to sustainability, climate, environment, or water.