A look at the history of Arctic travel and the perils confronting early explorers in search of fabled riches and the Northwest Passage. Modern developments in air and sea navigation are also noted.
How do the narrator’s words—such as “conquer,” “against,” “heroes,” “cruel” and “foe”—describe a particular relationship to the natural world? Inuit appear in the film only either as entertainment or as servants/workers. What do students make of this? Have students discuss concepts of modernity and progress as they are portrayed in the film. Have them compare this to their own lives and the era in which they live.
Identify and explain the short-term and long-term causes of Confederation. Describe the perspectives held by different stakeholders in this event (both well known and unknown). How do regionalism and culture impact Confederation? Research George-Etienne Cartier and assess how accurate the nickname “The Lion of Quebec” is to describe him. Research George Brown and John A. MacDonald. Create appropriate nicknames to describe them.