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Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (13)

  • 55,000 for Breakfast
    55,000 for Breakfast
    Lawrence Cherry  &  Evelyn Cherry 1949 11 min
    This short documentary profiles a 1949 meeting of the International Federation of Agricultural Producers in Guelph, Ontario. The IFAP plans to help solve the dire problem of world hunger—a problem sharpened by the birth of 55,000 more human beings, arriving "for breakfast," each day. Delegates emphasize the plight of the many nations who face starvation while others have a surplus of food. The conference challenges the world to succeed at implementing a proposed plan for the fair distribution of food.
  • The Bright Land
    The Bright Land
    Morten Parker 1959 30 min
    This short documentary from Morten Parker takes audiences on a tour of the islands in the West Indies Federation, circa 1959. While there, we see the various resources of the islands, including sugar, coffee, bananas, oil, and bauxite.
  • The Chocolate Farmer (Short Version)
    The Chocolate Farmer (Short Version)
    Rohan Fernando 2010 52 min
    This full-length documentary takes us to an unspoiled corner of southern Belize, where cacao farmer and father Eladio Pop manually works his plantation in the tradition of his Mayan ancestors: as a steward of the land. The film captures a year in the life of the Pop family as they struggle to preserve their values in a world that is dramatically changing around them. A lament for cultures lost, The Chocolate Farmer challenges our deeply held assumptions of progress.
  • The Chocolate Farmer
    The Chocolate Farmer
    Rohan Fernando 2010 1 h 11 min
    This full-length documentary takes us to an unspoiled corner of southern Belize, where cacao farmer and father Eladio Pop manually works his plantation in the tradition of his Mayan ancestors: as a steward of the land. The film captures a year in the life of the Pop family as they struggle to preserve their values in a world that is dramatically changing around them. A lament for cultures lost, The Chocolate Farmer challenges our deeply held assumptions of progress.
  • Elisha and the Cacao Trees
    Elisha and the Cacao Trees
    Rohan Fernando 2010 17 min
    This charming short documentary takes us on a trip to Belize, where we meet 13-year-old Elisha, the daughter of a cacao farmer. What links a village in Belize and millions of North American kids? Chocolate! We learn about Elisha's daily life and her dreams as she and her father show how cacao is grown, harvested and turned into chocolate.
  • Five Centuries Later ...
    Five Centuries Later ...
    Germán Gutiérrez 1991 53 min
    Five centuries after the "discovery" of America by the Europeans, the Indigenous Peoples of Guatemala and Bolivia affront difficult times. What is left of their culture? What will their future hold?
  • The Global Struggle for Food
    The Global Struggle for Food
    1961 28 min
    A progress report on efforts to find new ways of feeding the Earth's swelling population. Water control, land redistribution and agricultural advances of all kinds are shown as examples of gains being made to stem the tide of hunger.
  • The Gift
    The Gift
    Gary Farmer 1998 48 min
    This short documentary examines the role of corn in the lives of Indigenous peoples in the Americas. Before colonization, corn was widely used as a beverage, a food staple, an oil, and a ceremonial object. It was respected and revered as a critical part of creation. This film explores the powerful bond and spiritual relationship that continues to exist between people and corn.

    Combining interviews, dance, and song, The Gift captures the traditional, spiritual, economic, and political importance of this sacred plant.
  • Hanging On
    Hanging On
    Germán Gutiérrez 1993 11 min
    The deplorable situation of peasants who try to subsist in the overexploited land of the Northeastern Brazil.
  • Man of America
    Man of America
    Thomas Farley 1956 30 min
    This film brings a report from Jack Scott, a Vancouver newspaper columnist, about a United Nations-sponsored migration program in Bolivia in which icampesinos r--tin miners of the Andes mountains--are being moved from the desolate Altiplano to more fertile lowlands. We hear most of the story from one of the miners who describes the skepticism with which his people first met the ideas and what it eventually came to mean to them in terms of new dwellings, land to cultivate, and work to support their families.
  • News of the World "A"
    News of the World "A"
    1953 8 min
    In this film the camera travels far afield to present happenings of interest around the world.

    Marsh Bounty: Spain reclaims Seville marshlands for rice production.

    Royal Review: Prince Charles and Princess Anne attract bystanders as they watch the Changing of the Guard.

    Locust Plague: India uses every means to destroy great swarms of locusts.

    Watchmakers' Show: In Stockholm the Swedish Watchmakers' Association celebrates its sixtieth anniversary.

    Salt Harvest: At Barletta, Italy, the sea yields thousands of tons of salt for export. Gondola Regatta: On her ancient waterways, the city of Venice relives past glories.
  • René Dumont: Global Ecologist
    René Dumont: Global Ecologist
    Richard D. Lavoie 2001 25 min
    In this short documentary, revisit the 20th century through the eyes of 97-year-old René Dumont, agricultural scientist and activist for peace, justice and the environment. Angered by enduring injustice, Dumont beseeches us to look to the future: "Open your eyes! The 21st century has had a rotten start!" This film brings us his outrage and activism, his love of humanity and hope for the future. In French with English subtitles.
  • Waiting
    Marie-Claude Harvey 1996 32 min
    This short documentary zooms in on the Dinka population of Alek, South Sudan, during a period of famine. The Dinkas are an extremely patient people. With empty stomachs, they await the next harvest. For the last 40 years, an intermittent state of civil war has divided the country in 2. This time, the population has requested aid. Sacks of grain are dropped from planes, but to prevent rioting, distribution is delayed until the arrival of reinforcements. During this week of waiting, we witness the true face of hunger.