In this animated short 2 children, Tina and Dalby, disobey their mama with almost tragic consequences. Having strayed away from home, they run afoul of a local "cocoya," a wicked spirit that loves to eat little boys! But through Tina's resourcefulness and cunning, the cocoya is vanquished and the children run back to mama's forgiving arms. Part of the Talespinners collection, which uses vibrant animation to bring popular children’s stories from a wide range of cultural communities to the screen.
In this animated short film, we see that sometimes children will do the opposite of what they are told. Dalby and his sister are warned not to cross a bridge on their Caribbean island. When they do, they are held captive by the wicked Cocoyo who wants to eat Dalby. Discussion questions include: Why did the children cross the bridge? Have you ever disobeyed your parents? How did Dalby’s sister outsmart Cocoyo? Did you feel afraid for the children? In what ways is this story like Hansel and Gretel?