This documentary from the Shining Mountains series follows mountain guide, pilot and cinematographer Guy Clarkson on an ecological journey through the Rockies. Clarkson explores the area’s rock, ice, flora and fauna, which have, for eons, adjusted without complaint to every fluctuation in the natural order of things. Since the arrival of Europeans, however, the damage to ecosystems and tribes alike has approached a point of no return. From the glaciers of the Columbia Ice Fields, to the wolf packs of Yellowstone National Park, to the sacred hunting grounds of the Blackfoot nations, Clarkson finds perspective in the wisdom of the …
for further study: 1) Elimination/repopulation of wolves in Yellowstone; 2)
Glaciers and climate: relationship; 3) Trees, geological layers in dating; 4)
Rockies archaeological sites; 5) Traditional Aboriginal knowledge; 6) What is
a trophy? (Photography, Hunting); 7) Columbia Ice Fields in Alberta: what
prehistory stories in glaciers? 8) Who are stakeholders today?
points of view.
Photography: what information do pans, close-ups reveal?