This documentary follows Rick Zakowich as he faces his lifelong struggles with his weight and body image. Child therapist by day and blues singer by night, Rick's charisma and talent are undeniable, yet he remains fixed within the definition of a narrow label. The film takes on appearance-based oppression and fat-shaming by examining the ways in which society treats people whose bodies don’t necessarily match a narrow, unrealistic ideal of attractiveness. Instead of losing weight, Rick gains valuable insight, transformative new friendships, and a profound sense of self-confidence.
A hazardous mix of waste is flushed into the sewer every day. The billions of litres of water - combined with unknown quantities of chemicals, solvents, heavy metals, human waste and food - where does it all go? And what does it do to us? Filmed in Italy, India, Sweden, the United States and Canada, this bold documentary questions our fundamental attitudes to waste. Does our need to dispose of waste take precedence over public safety? What are the alternatives?
This feature documentary is all about beds: their cultural, personal, psychological, and physical importance is examined by Peabody Award-winning director Jeff McKay. This curious film about a seemingly mundane subject takes us on an unusual odyssey into the world of the commonplace: throughout the film, we visit the beds of families, Nevada sex workers, truckers, a prisoner convicted of murder, artists, an undertaker, a coroner, and a homeless man who remembers his mother tucking him in as a child. We even visit the bed of acclaimed filmmaker Guy Maddin. From the threat of bed bugs to the transient nature of RV and motel beds, this film takes a fresh look at the most familiar of topics.