Ce long métrage documentaire s’attaque au phénomène du profilage racial. À travers divers témoignages, la cinéaste d’origine tunisienne se penche sur les relations tendues entre policiers et groupes minoritaires à Montréal.
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Ce long métrage documentaire s’attaque au phénomène du profilage racial. À travers divers témoignages, la cinéaste d’origine tunisienne se penche sur les relations tendues entre policiers et groupes minoritaires à Montréal.
This work contains scenes of violence. Viewer discretion is advised.
film provides a superb opportunity to look at difficult themes such as racism
within police forces. What role do factors such as “ethnic” appearance and
socio-economic status play in how people are treated by authority figures?
What is racial profiling, and can its use be justified? What are the
influences of well-meaning anti-racism and anti-discrimination laws in the
daily lives of authority figures? Is our society as democratic, just, and
egalitarian as we would like to think? Are there Canadian parallels to the
problems of integrating youth that France has experienced? What are the
similarities and differences between the two?
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