Documentaire sur Claudette Picard, qui exerce la médecine dans les pays en guerre sous la bannière de Médecins Sans Frontières, et se retrouve au Liberia, dans une petite ville dévastée par la guerre civile qui a longtemps déchiré ce pays d'Afrique. À l'aide de quelques mots d'anglais, de sa présence réconfortante et de rares médicaments, elle réussit parfois l'impossible.
Warnings: Trigger warning – sick/dying patients
Lesson Launcher/Inquiry Questions: This documentary follows Canadian doctor Claudette Picard as she works at health clinics run by Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontieres in Liberia during a civil war. Students can benefit from discussion, debate, essay writing or preparing presentations after viewing this video. What are some of the challenges faced by the Doctors Without Borders team at work and personally? Communication issues were a problem in 2001; is that still the case today? The clinics in this documentary have very little in terms of equipment and testing. How does this compare to health care in Canada? What action can Canadians take to assist with health care in developing or war-torn countries? The doctors and filmmakers weigh the risk involved in working in parts of the world where conflict takes place. Are there other situations of risk for filmmakers? Is the work of Doctors Without Borders a drop in the ocean?