This animated short by Theodore Ushev is like a whirlwind tour of Russian constructivist art and is filled with visual references to artists of the era, including Vertov, Stenberg, Rodchenko, Lissitsky and Popova.
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This animated short by Theodore Ushev is like a whirlwind tour of Russian constructivist art and is filled with visual references to artists of the era, including Vertov, Stenberg, Rodchenko, Lissitsky and Popova.
Research the history and tenets of the constructionist movement in Russian art. Identify the following artists, and their contributions to the Russian art world: Dziga Vertov, Vladimir and Georgii Stenberg, Alexander Rodchenko, El Lissitsky, and Lyubov Popova. Comment on the style of the film and the choice of music used to accompany it.
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