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Quand tombent les têtes

Ce long métrage de fiction brosse un dur portrait du monde des affaires des années 1980.

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Ce long métrage de fiction brosse un dur portrait du monde des affaires des années 1980. Dans cette jungle de l’emploi, seul l'instinct de survie permet aux plus forts de supporter les pressions de la compétition. Chaque année en Amérique du Nord, 250 000 cadres étaient congédiés par leur entreprise et remplacés par d'autres, soi-disant plus jeunes ou plus compétents.

 This work contains scenes of nudity and/or sexuality. Viewer discretion is advised.
  • director
    Sturla Gunnarsson
  • producer
    Sturla Gunnarsson
    Steve Lucas
  • executive producer
    Arthur Hammond
  • script
    Steve Lucas
  • photography
    Andreas Poulsson
  • sound
    Bryan Day
  • editing
    Roger Mattiussi
  • sound editing
    Roger Mattiussi
  • sound mixer
    Mike Hoogenboom
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
  • music
    Patricia Cullen
    Sharon Smith
  • cast
    James Douglas
    Anne Christison
    Janine Manatis
    Randy Solomon


Ages 15 to 18
School subjects

Warnings: Nudity

Describe the reason(s) for Biff’s termination. What steps are taken to try and support Biff following his termination from the company? Are these the same means utilized today? Research the history of relocation counselling. Contrast this with the role of life coaches or headhunters today. Describe the roles of “consultants” in this film. What type of consultants exist in business companies? Describe the relationship between physical fitness, mental health and stress using examples from this film. What surprises you about workplaces while watching this film? What do you expect would be different about these workplaces today?