This short animation tells the story of Ernie, a simple fellow who loves his job. One day, the blissful routine of Ernie's life is thrown into chaos when a pesky and persistent idea suddenly decides to follow him around, demanding attention in the most disruptive ways. Suddenly Ernie's job is in jeopardy. What do you do with an idea, when you've never had one before? How can you tell if it's worth contemplating or just plain trouble?
In this animated short film, Ernie is perplexed and even fearful of an idea he has. This film could be used in any subject where the viewers are expected to generate ideas, solve problems or be creative, as well as in situations where new ideas are being introduced and change will happen. Discussions, writing and research topics could centre around: Where do ideas come from, what interferes with new ideas taking off versus what makes new ideas easily accepted, do the viewers have ideas that could be inventions of the future? Artists need regular access to creative ideas; what helps the creative process to happen?