This short documentary follows a group therapy workshop for people who have attempted to end their lives more than once. A hybrid of vérité and animation, the film is a candid portrayal of 12 people who together, for 20 weeks, take on their fears, their behaviours and their ghosts to move towards life and away from suicide. Drawing from Life is a production of the National Film Board of Canada's Filmmaker-in-Residence project, produced with the creative participation of Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology, Animation Arts Centre.
Warnings: Self-harm, suicidal ideation, suicide are discussed. Teachers should have information for students on who to contact if they are feeling uncomfortable with the topic.
This documentary follows a group of people who are in therapy after having experienced two or more suicide attempts. The theme is the courage it takes to live. Teachers will need to use this documentary with a great deal of awareness of their students’ needs and make sure they have access to helplines and resources if needed. Students can discuss, reflect and research the issues raised in this film, including the issues of fear, anger, shame, stigma and isolation that are raised.