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Unspoken Tears - Speaking Group (Clip)

2022 15 min
Leaving soon

Despite their young age, some Quebec schoolchildren have already experienced unspeakable horrors. Like their classmates, they’re learning to read and write, but, as refugees who’ve fled war and violence in their homelands, they must also readjust to normal life. How can these children find meaning again after their very existence was once on hold? How can they integrate into school life given their individual struggles?

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This work deals with mature subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.
Unspoken Tears - Speaking Group (Clip)


Despite their young age, some Quebec schoolchildren have already experienced unspeakable horrors. Like their classmates, they’re learning to read and write, but, as refugees who’ve fled war and violence in their homelands, they must also readjust to normal life. How can these children find meaning again after their very existence was once on hold? How can they integrate into school life given their individual struggles?
This work deals with mature subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.
Unspoken Tears - Speaking Group (Clip)
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