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Labrador and Québec (27)

  • The Annanacks (Inuktitut version)
    The Annanacks (Inuktitut version)
    2011 29 min
    This short documentary depicts the formation in 1959 of the first successful co-operative in an Inuit community in Northern Québec. The film describes how, with other Inuit of the George River community, the Annanacks formed a joint venture that included a sawmill, a fish-freezing plant and a small boat-building industry.

  • Amisk
    Alanis Obomsawin 1977 40 min
    In 1973, the James Bay Festival took place over nine days in Montreal. This historic one-of-a-kind event was held in support of the James Bay Cree whose territory, resources and culture were threatened by the expansion of hydro-electric dams. First Nations, Métis and Inuit performers came from across North America to show their support in an act of Indigenous unity and solidarity few people in Montreal had ever witnessed. Rarely seen early performances by legendary Indigenous artists Gordon Tootoosis, Tom Jackson, Duke Redbird, Willie Dunn and director Alanis Obomsawin herself are interspersed with testimonies of members of the James Bay Cree. Their stories reveal first-hand experiences of the negative impacts of capitalistic expansion on Cree land.
  • The Annanacks
    The Annanacks
    René Bonnière 1964 29 min
    This short documentary depicts the formation in 1959 of the first successful co-operative in an Inuit community in Northern Québec. The film describes how, with other Inuit of the George River community, the Annanacks formed a joint venture that included a sawmill, a fish-freezing plant and a small boat-building industry.

  • June in Povungnituk - Quebec Arctic
    June in Povungnituk - Quebec Arctic
    Alanis Obomsawin 1980 1 min
    On a beautiful summer’s day in Nunavik, a family enjoys the pleasures of berry picking and fishing as the sound of two Elders throat-singing fills the environment. Directed by Alanis Obomsawin as part of the Canada Vignettes series.
  • Vignettes from Labrador North
    Vignettes from Labrador North
    Roger Hart 1979 4 min
    This short film from the Canada Vignettes series chronicles the history of Labrador's Inuit and the role of the Moravian missionaries.

    Please note that this is an archival film that makes use of the word “Eskimo,” an outdated and offensive term. While the origin of the word is a matter of some contention, it is no longer used in Canada. The term was formally rejected by the Inuit Circumpolar Council in 1980 and has subsequently not been in use at the NFB for decades. This film is therefore a time-capsule of a bygone era, presented in its original version. The NFB apologizes for the offence caused.
  • Eye of the Storm
    Eye of the Storm
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    Nigel Markham 1997 44 min
    A documentary about Nain, a Labrador Inuit community located near the world’s largest nickel and copper deposits. As commercial mining interests prepare to exploit the resources, local residents consider the potential environmental and cultural impact. Meanwhile longstanding Aboriginal land claims are unsettled.
  • Evan's Drum
    Evan's Drum
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    Ossie Michelin 2021 14 min
    An adventurous young boy and his determined mother share a passion for Inuit drum dancing in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Evan’s Drum is a joyful visit to a family’s loving home, and an uplifting story of cultural pride. After generations of silence, the rhythm of the traditional Inuit drum has returned to Labrador, and seven-year-old Evan is part of the new generation that will keep its heartbeat strong.
  • Evanniup Kilautinga (Inuktitut Version)
    Evanniup Kilautinga (Inuktitut Version)
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    Ossie Michelin 2021 14 min
    lkullagaittuk nukappiak, pigumatsiajullu anânanga Kilautijagiamik isumaKatsialutik pitsiagumajok ilagellutik Happy Valley-Goose Baymi 'Evanniup Kilautinga' Kuvianattuk pulâgiagvik ilaget angigangani, uKilliumititsitluni ilikKusigijattinik. Akunialuk nipaKalaugunnaimat tamanna, pinguatauninga Kilautik utisimalimmijuk Labradorimi, tainna Evanni sepaKatuinnatuk pinguaKatausongunialittuk mânna, ommatinga sangijonialittilugu.
  • Hebron Relocation
    Hebron Relocation
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    Holly Andersen 2022 15 min
    In Hebron Relocation, Holly Andersen explores what makes a place a home as she learns more about her community’s connection to generations of displaced northern Labrador Inuit.
  • Hebronnimit Notitausimajut
    Hebronnimit Notitausimajut
    Holly Andersen 2022 15 min
    Atjiliugutik Holly Anderseni Makkovimiuk, Nunatsiavumi, Kaujimajuk illungani inoligijuk atjajuk iluani avalumini akinitsamik nollititausimajunik TakKani Labradorimi inunganut. Tapkunani Hebron nolititausimajut, Anderseni takunaajuk sunanik angiggaliusongujut uKalautiliguni ilannaganut amma ilageminut Kanuk nolititausimajunit anitausimamatta unuttunik jarikut Labradoriup inunganut.
  • Si le temps le permet (version inuktitut)
    Si le temps le permet (version inuktitut)
    2003 0 s
    Documentaire personnel de l'artiste Élisapie Isaac. En pleine immensité boréale, au bord de la mer Arctique, un village : Kangirsujuaq, au Nunavik. Ici, traditions et modernité se croisent quotidiennement. Les rires des enfants habitent joyeusement les rues, les jeunes carburent à la culture « du Sud », alors que les vieux tentent encore de se faire à leur étrange sédentarité. Dans cette toundra à couper le souffle, la jeune cinéaste originaire de Salluit, maintenant installée à Montréal, décide de plonger au coeur de ses origines.
  • Inuuvunga, I am Inuk, I am Alive (Inuktitut version)
    Inuuvunga, I am Inuk, I am Alive (Inuktitut version)
    2004 57 min
    In this feature-length documentary, 8 Inuit teens with cameras offer a vibrant and contemporary view of life in Canada’s North. They also use their newly acquired film skills to confront a broad range of issues, from the widening communication gap between youth and their elders to the loss of their peers to suicide.
  • If the Weather Permits
    If the Weather Permits
    Elisapie Isaac 2003 27 min
    This short documentary studies life in the village of Kangirsujuaq, Nunavik. In this community on the edge of the Arctic Ocean, children’s laughter fills the streets while the old people ponder the passage of time. They are nomads of the wide-open spaces who are trying to get used to the strange feeling of staying put. While the teenagers lap up Southern culture and play golf on the tundra to kill time, the Elders are slowly dying, as their entire culture seems to fade away.

    Elisapie Isaac, a filmmaker born in Nunavik, decides to return to her roots on this breathtaking land. To bridge the growing gap between the young and the old, she speaks to her grandfather, now deceased, and confides in him her hopes and fears. Grappling with isolation, family relationships, resource extraction, land-based knowledges, the influence of Southern culture and the ongoing impacts of colonialism on Inuit ways of life, Elisapie Isaac offers a nuanced portrait of the North.
  • Inuuvunga - I Am Inuk, I Am Alive
    Inuuvunga - I Am Inuk, I Am Alive
    Bobby Echalook Sarah Idlout , … 2004 57 min
    In this feature-length documentary, 8 Inuit teens with cameras offer a vibrant and contemporary view of life in Canada's North. They also use their newly acquired film skills to confront a broad range of issues, from the widening communication gap between youth and their elders to the loss of their peers to suicide. In Inuktitut with English subtitles.
  • Labrador North
    Labrador North
    Roger Hart 1973 37 min
    This short documentary looks at the government relocation of the Labrador Inuit and the effects on their culture and social structures.

    Please note that this is an archival film that makes use of the word “Eskimo,” an outdated and offensive term. While the origin of the word is a matter of some contention, it is no longer used in Canada. The term was formally rejected by the Inuit Circumpolar Council in 1980 and has subsequently not been in use at the NFB for decades. This film is therefore a time-capsule of a bygone era, presented in its original version. The NFB apologizes for the offence caused.
  • The Last Days of Okak
    The Last Days of Okak
    Anne Budgell  &  Nigel Markham 1985 23 min
    This short documentary tells the story the once-thriving town of Okak, an Inuit settlement on the northern Labrador coast. Moravian missionaries evangelized the coast and encouraged the growth of Inuit settlements, but it was also a Moravian ship that brought the deadly Spanish influenza during the world epidemic of 1919. The Inuit of the area were decimated, and Okak was abandoned. Through diaries, old photos and interviews with survivors, this film relates the story of the epidemic and examines the relations between natives and missionaries.
  • Mon village au Nunavik (Version Inuktitut)
    Mon village au Nunavik (Version Inuktitut)
    1999 46 min
    Bobby Kenuajuak a 23 ans. Il habite son village de Puvirnituq, situé sur les rives de la baie d'Hudson au Nord du Québec. Le temps de trois saisons, Bobby dirige sa caméra sur ce qui fonde l'âme de son peuple: son espace, son humour, son histoire. Il refuse d'abdiquer la culture des anciens mais apprécie les avantages des incursions des gens du Sud dans le Nord. De Puvirnituq à Akulivik en passant par Maniitouk et Qikisitarvik, les bernaches font se retourner les têtes, la mer est gorgée de poissons, la toundra s'étend à perte de vue. Ce film propose un regard sans nostalgie, tourné vers le monde, d'un jeune Inuk amoureux de son village au Nunavik.
  • My Village in Nunavik
    My Village in Nunavik
    Bobby Kenuajuak 1999 46 min
    Shot during 3 seasons, this documentary tenderly portrays village life in Puvirnituq, on the shores of Hudson Bay in northern Quebec, as well as the elements that forge the character of its people: their history, the great open spaces, and their unflagging humour.

    This film was produced as part of an emerging filmmaker competition for Indigenous filmmakers. It was directed by Bobby Kenuajuak of Puvirnituq, age 23.
  • Miss Campbell: Inuk Teacher
    Miss Campbell: Inuk Teacher
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    Heather Campbell 2023 15 min
    Part oral history and part visual poem, Miss Campbell: Inuk Teacher is the story of Evelyn Campbell, a trailblazer for an Inuit-led educational system in the small community of Rigolet, Labrador.
  • Miss Campbell: Ilinniatitsijiujik (Inuktitut Version)
    Miss Campbell: Ilinniatitsijiujik (Inuktitut Version)
    Heather Campbell 2023 15 min
    Ilanginit unikkausingit amma ilangangit allatausimajunik, Miss Campbell: Ilinniatitsijiujik ilititsisimajutluni Heatheriup minguanguaminik âlluanguanik nanunik, puijinik amma timmianik taggajâmillu angiggamini, ilagengillu atjinguaminik amma pinguanik tigumiagasuajumik ominga annasiagâlummik takunnâtaujumik inosinganik. From a young age, Evelyn Campbell possessed a keen sense of justice. At residential school, she helped her fellow student’s study and pass exams, an experience that forged her desire to be a teacher.

    InosittuKajumik Evelyn Campbelli KaujimajutsuaKattalauttuk ajuKittiujuni maligatsaminik. Ilinniavialumeligami ikajuKattalauttuk sugusinik suliaKapvignanit ilinniavimi,amma kajusitlutik ilinniagatsaminit, pillualaugami ikajutluni kaguginimik ilinniatitsijiugiamik.
  • Nalujuk Unnunga (Inuktitut Version)
    Nalujuk Unnunga (Inuktitut Version)
    Jennie Williams 2021 13 min
    Nalujuk Unnunga takunnâvuk Kanittumik Kittainganattumik, ammalu ilangani itsinattotluni, Labrador Inuit piusituKagijanga. Januar 6-imi tamât pisimatlutik tâttumit Nunatsiavut unnungani, taikkua Nalujuit AlakkaKattavut sikummit. PisuKattajut maggonik niunnik atutlutik, kenangit sollu omajut, saunituinnait, ammalu sollu asianit silatsuamit pisimajut. Aputik tusattausok siKullujuk tutittaugami itigakkut tikivallialimmata: Inuit nunalimmit Nainimi.

    KuatsâKattagaluappata, Nalujuk Unnunga piutsagijauvuk jâri tamât piniannigijauKattatluni, takutitsijuk ilangani KuvianattoKattavuk itsigiamut. TakutsausiaKattalungituk silatâni Nunatsiavummit, tamanna jâri tamât piniannik Kittainganattuk pivitsaKattisiKattajuk Inunnik, inosuttunik ammalu jârikKutujojunut, takutitsigiamut itsiKattangitonninginnik ammalu katiutigiamut nunalimmiungutlutik ullusiugiamut ilukkusigijaujumik ammalu piusituKagijaujumik.

    Inuk taggajâliuttik Jennie Williams takutitsivuk piniannigijauKattajumik iluani tapvani kakillânattumik Kinnitautluni KaKuttautlunillu naittumik sanajausimajumut pitjutiKajumut ukiumi unnusautillugu asiKalugani.

  • Nalujuk Night
    Nalujuk Night
    Jennie Williams 2021 13 min
    Nalujuk Night is an up close look at an exhilarating, and sometimes terrifying, Labrador Inuit tradition. Every January 6th from the dark of the Nunatsiavut night, the Nalujuit appear on the sea ice. They walk on two legs, yet their faces are animalistic, skeletal, and otherworldly. Snow crunches underfoot as they approach their destination: the Inuit community of Nain.

    Despite the frights, Nalujuk Night is a beloved annual event, showing that sometimes it can be fun to be scared. Rarely witnessed outside of Nunatsiavut, this annual event is an exciting chance for Inuit, young and old, to prove their courage and come together as a community to celebrate culture and tradition.

    Inuk filmmaker Jennie Williams brings audiences directly into the action in this bone-chilling black and white short documentary about a winter night like no other.
  • No Address
    No Address
    Alanis Obomsawin 1988 55 min
    Far from home and cut off from family and friends, Montreal’s Indigenous homeless population is the focus of No Address. Dreams of a better life in the big city can be met with harsh realities, as the individuals in this documentary recount. Often trying to flee circumstances created by colonialism and the effects of assimilation, the First Nations and Inuit people in this work share frank stories about their lives and the paths that took them to the streets of Montreal. Alanis Obomsawin presents an honest, stark portrayal of endemic homelessness while giving voice to those so often overlooked or made invisible on the streets of every city in Canada.
  • Our Land, Our Truth
    Our Land, Our Truth
    Maurice Bulbulian 1983 54 min
    Made in collaboration with the Inuit Tungavingat Nunamini, this film focuses on those dissident members of the Inuit community who rejected the agreement signed on November 11, l975, between the Northern Quebec Inuit Association, the Québec and federal governments, the James Bay Energy Corporation, the James Bay Development Corporation, Hydro-Québec and the Grand Council of the Crees, which took away Native rights to a territory of almost one million square kilometres. By their words and actions, the dissident Inuit of Povungnituk, Ivujivik and Sugluk express their strong desire to retain their land and their traditions. The filmmakers go into their homes, on the ice and the sea to record first-hand the lives of these northern people.
  • Schefferville 4th Arctic Winter Games
    Schefferville 4th Arctic Winter Games
    Dennis Sawyer 1976 26 min
    An exciting view of the Arctic Winter Games held in Schefferville, northern Québec, in 1976. The events range from table-tennis to curling, and include six indigenous arctic sports. The games spanned seven days of hard competition, as well as a week of sharing common northern experiences and good will. And, despite temperatures of -30C, the participants' enthusiasm created an atmosphere of great warmth, which we witness as the losers congratulate the winners, and the winners apologize.
  • Unitas Fratrum: The Moravians in Labrador
    Unitas Fratrum: The Moravians in Labrador
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    Hubert Schuurman 1983 26 min
    The Moravians, an early Protestant group, founded missions on the Labrador coast in the 18th century. Serving as a buffer between the Indigenous people and the whalers, the Moravians laid the basis for a new society that blended traditional European and Inuit cultures. This film shows a year in the life of the Moravian mission of Nain and describes some of the stresses the modern world has brought to this isolated Arctic community. Interviewed are a retired teacher who came with the last European mission, and the first Native Moravian minister. (Telecast in the Man Alive series under the title Band of Brethren.)
  • The Wings of Johnny May
    The Wings of Johnny May
    Marc Fafard 2013 1 h 23 min
    This feature documentary shines a spotlight on Johnny May, the first Inuit bush pilot in Nunavik—and a legend among his people. During the 34,000 hours of flight time he’s logged, May has lived through extraordinary adventures and has had a unique view of the transformation of the Arctic from his perch in the sky. He has watched as the Inuit went from nomadic life to a sedentary existence, and as climate change has melted the permafrost. But one thing remains constant: May’s deep love for his wife Louisa. Since his earliest days in the air, his plane has sported the same Inuktitut message for her: "Pengo Pally", which means “I miss you.” The Wings of Johnny May is an airborne documentary that highlights a unique culture through the eyes of an exceptional man.