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Police Operations (12)

  • 10-7 for Life
    10-7 for Life
    Cynthia Banks 1995 56 min
    10–7 for Life is a funny, raw and occasionally violent chronicle of the last two weeks of Carol Banks's career as a cop in Parkdale, Toronto. Exploring the contrasts and absurdities of patrolling the streets, the film looks at everything from the now-almost-routine gang shootings to a colleague's shocking murder, while also capturing what Banks describes as "babysitting" – officers trying to help people who can't look after themselves. Filmed by Carol's sister, Cindy Banks, this film offers a rare inside look at a police force struggling to cope with an increasingly violent city, and an intimate portrait of one burnt-out cop who has to get out for her own peace of mind.
  • Arrest, Search and Seizure
    Arrest, Search and Seizure
    T.R. Wagstaff  &  E.J. Tooke 1972 10 min
    A Royal Canadian Mounted Police training film on deploying personnel to make a successful arrest after receiving information on drug trafficking.
  • Eye Witness No. 41
    Eye Witness No. 41
    Thomas Farley  &  Walford Hewitson 1952 11 min
    Sabres at the Ready: At British training centres Canadian airmen and Sabre jet fighter aircraft join Royal Air Force and American squadrons in NATO defense preparations. Midnight Sculptors: Nightly, in the centre block of Canada's Parliament Buildings, William Oosterhoff and his crew of skilled artisans carve beautiful Canadian motifs on limestone walls and cornices. Crime Detection at the Double: Montréal's motorized crime detection laboratory aids police detective squads in the rapid apprehension of criminals.
  • The Law of Expansion
    The Law of Expansion
    Malcolm Sutherland 2017 20 s
    THEY FIGHT YOU AND THEN YOU WIN. THEY FIGHT YOU AND THEN YOU WIN. An anti-violence statement in reaction to the police brutality that fuelled Quebec’s Red Square student movement.
  • Police
    Terence Macartney-Filgate 1958 29 min
    The misbehaving public performs for the camera in a half-hour miscellany of misdeeds. In a behind-the-scenes look at the hour-by-hour operation of a large metropolitan police force, this film presents a fair sampling of what keeps Toronto's police officers busy twenty-four hours a day.
  • R.C.M.P. File 1365 - The Connors Case
    R.C.M.P. File 1365 - The Connors Case
    1947 36 min
    Based on true facts, this short 1947 dramatization depicts the investigation led by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to catch the criminal who murdered a salesman from Regina, Saskatchewan.
  • The Suspects
    The Suspects
    Bernard Devlin 1957 30 min
    This short drama highlights the importance of police officers maintaining a compassionate understanding of the people they both police and protect. A teenage boy and girl are falsely accused of robbing a fur warehouse. The investigating detective tries to bully a confession from them, but the police chief knows that the detective is acting beyond his mandate. The chief eventually intervenes, thereby underlining the extent of the investigator's inappropriate behaviour.
  • Station 10
    Station 10
    Michael Scott 1973 57 min
    This feature documentary is a factual account of the life of policemen at one station in Montreal, drawn from 60 days and nights of on-the-spot filming in the early 1970s. It is a view of life in the inner city that usually only the policeman has reason to encounter. There are ugly incidents here, but there is also reassurance that people in trouble do have help at hand.
  • Two Worlds Colliding
    Two Worlds Colliding
    Tasha Hubbard 2004 49 min
    This documentary is an inquiry into what came to be known as Saskatoon's infamous "freezing deaths," and the schism between a fearful, mistrustful Indigenous community and a police force harbouring a harrowing secret.

    One frigid night in January 2000 Darrell Night, an Indigenous man was dumped by two police officers in -20° C temperatures in a barren field on the city outskirts. He survives the ordeal but is stunned to hear that the frozen body of another Indigenous man was discovered in the same area. Days later, another victim, also Native, is found. When Night comes forward with his story, he sets into motion a chain of events: a major RCMP investigation into several suspicious deaths, the conviction of the two constables who abandoned him and the reopening of an old case, leading to a judicial inquiry.
  • Through a Blue Lens
    Through a Blue Lens
    Veronica Alice Mannix 1999 52 min
    This gripping documentary takes a powerful look at the lives of people with substance use disorder in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Filmmaker Veronica Alice Mannix follows Constable Al Arsenault and six other police officers on their daily beat, documenting their unique relationships with people who speak candidly about their painful past experiences, their drug addiction, and life on the street.
  • Whistling Smith
    Whistling Smith
    Michael Scott  &  Marrin Canell 1975 27 min
    This film is a revealing portrait of a tough cop with a big heart. Sergeant Bernie "Whistling" Smith walks the beat on Vancouver's Eastside, the hangout of petty criminals, down-and-outs and a variety of characters. His policing is unorthodox. To many drug users, petty thieves and prostitutes in this economically depressed area he is more than the iron hand of the law, he is also a counsellor and a friend.
  • Zero Tolerance
    Zero Tolerance
    Michka Saäl 2004 1 h 15 min
    Being young is tough, especially if you're Black, Latino, Arab or Asian. In a city like Montreal, you can get targeted and treated as a criminal for no good reason. Zero Tolerance reveals how deep seated prejudice can be. On one side are the city's young people, and on the other, its police force. Two worlds, two visions. Yet one of these groups is a minority, while the other wields real power. One has no voice, while the other makes life-and-death decisions.

    When a policy of zero tolerance to crime masks an intolerance to young people of colour, the delicate balance between order and personal freedom is upset. A blend of cinéma vérité and personal testimonies, this hard-hitting film will broaden your mind and change your way of thinking. In French with English subtitles.