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Everything Is Connected (Ages 12-14)

Everything Is Connected (Ages 12-14)

Sometimes we need to take a step back and take in the bigger picture in order to understand how everything is connected. These films provide just that perspective, highlighting the relationships between all things.

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Films in This Playlist Include
The Big Reset - Worldviews
The Magnitude of All Things
The Sacred Relationship
An Ecology of Hope
Hope Builders

  • Worldviews
    2020|3 min

    Geneticist and environmentalist David Suzuki celebrates the pleasure of knowing we humans are squishy organic material in an inter-related web of life—and we’d better not forget that! An invitation to go out and play and learn from the real world.

  • The Magnitude of All Things
    The Magnitude of All Things
    2020|1 h 26 min

    When Jennifer Abbott lost her sister to cancer, her sorrow opened her up to the profound gravity of climate breakdown. Abbott’s new documentary The Magnitude of All Things draws intimate parallels between the experiences of grief—both personal and planetary. Stories from the frontlines of climate change merge with recollections from the filmmaker’s childhood on Ontario’s Georgian Bay. What do these stories have in common? The answer, surprisingly, is everything. For the people featured, climate change is not happening in the distant future: it is kicking down the front door. Battles waged, lamentations of loss, and raw testimony coalesce into an extraordinary tapestry, woven together with raw emotion and staggering beauty that transform darkness into light, grief into action.

  • An Ecology of Hope
    An Ecology of Hope
    2001|1 h 24 min

    A documentary portrait of ecologist Pierre Dansereau, the film takes us from Baffin Island to New York City, from the Gaspé Peninsula to Brazil. At each stop on this world tour, we hear his story and witness landscapes of breathtaking beauty.

  • Hope Builders
    Hope Builders
    2010|1 h 29 min

    This feature documentary zooms in on a Grade 6 class in Quebec where a teacher is implementing an experimental teaching method aimed at preparing children to take up environmental challenges. Over the course of a year, Dominique Leduc’s students will learn to identify, analyze and resolve a problem that exists in their world. They also learn about the uncertainty faced by those who want change.